SonicGear Pandora Neo Classic 800 - Coklat

SonicGear Pandora Neo Classic 800 - Coklat

SonicGear Pandora Neo Classic 800 adalah speaker stereo portable yang dilengkapi dengan Bluetooth CSR 4.0 yang terkenal dengan daya jangkaunya yang luas dan hemat daya. Konektivitas yang tersedia cukup beragam yaitu Aux In, TF card, USB dan FM radio, terdapat juga mikrofon untuk fungsi penjawab pang...

Harga :

Rp 1,060,000
Rp 950,000

Produk Sejenis

Sonicgear Pandora Micro - Biru

Sonicgear Pandora Micro adalah speaker bluetooth portabel dengan ukuran kantong yang ringan dan mudah dibawa-bawa. Speaker ini dapat dijalankan 5 jam dengan suara sedang dan juga bisa menerima panggil... more

Rp 480,000
Rp 435,000
Sonicgear Earpump Snug - Coklat

Apakah anda sedang mencari headset yang bisa terpasang nyaman di telinga anda ? Cobalah Earpump Snug. Desainnya dengan lengkungan yang unik bisa membuat headset ini terpasang nyaman di telinga anda da... more

Rp 190,000
Rp 174,900
SONICGEAR Earpump Neo - Lilac

If you're looking for flashier colors than the Earpump Twirl, and a similar audio experience, consider the Earpump Neo series. From Psychedelic to chrome, you'll be spoiled for choice. more

Rp 185,000
SONICGEAR Earpump Neo - Psychadelic

If you're looking for flashier colors than the Earpump Twirl, and a similar audio experience, consider the Earpump Neo series. From Psychedelic to chrome, you'll be spoiled for choice. more

Rp 185,000
SONICGEAR Earpump Neo - Black

If you're looking for flashier colors than the Earpump Twirl, and a similar audio experience, consider the Earpump Neo series. From Psychedelic to chrome, you'll be spoiled for choice. more

Rp 185,000
SONICGEAR Earpump Neo - Gold

If you're looking for flashier colors than the Earpump Twirl, and a similar audio experience, consider the Earpump Neo series. From Psychedelic to chrome, you'll be spoiled for choice. more

Rp 185,000
SonicGear SparkPlug Turbine earphone - Coklat

Sonicgear Sparkplug Turbine in-Ear Headphone adalah earphone yang sangat ringan tetapi bisa menghasilkan kualitas dan kejernihan suara yang luar biasa. Dilengkapi dengan mikrofon sehingga bukan hanya ... more

Rp 109,633
Rp 65,000
SONICGEAR Earpump Neo - Chrome Silver

If you're looking for flashier colors than the Earpump Twirl, and a similar audio experience, consider the Earpump Neo series. From Psychedelic to chrome, you'll be spoiled for choice. more

Rp 185,000
SONICGEAR Earpump Neo - Chrome Pink

If you're looking for flashier colors than the Earpump Twirl, and a similar audio experience, consider the Earpump Neo series. From Psychedelic to chrome, you'll be spoiled for choice. more

Rp 185,000
SONICGEAR Earpump Neo - Rose Gold

If you're looking for flashier colors than the Earpump Twirl, and a similar audio experience, consider the Earpump Neo series. From Psychedelic to chrome, you'll be spoiled for choice. more

Rp 185,000

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