Lenovo Yoga 300-80M000AWID Black Laptop [N2840/4 GB/500GB/11.6 Inch/Touchscreen/Win8.1]

Lenovo Yoga 300-80M000AWID Black Laptop [N2840/4 GB/500GB/11.6 Inch/Touchscreen/Win8.1]

Lenovo Yoga 300-80M000AWID Black Laptop [N2840/4 GB/500GB/11.6 Inch/Touchscreen/Win8.1] merupakan laptop convertible yang dilengkapi fitur flip dan fold dengan layar touchscreen 11.6 HD LED yang didukung INTEL Celeron N2840 Processor 2.16 Ghz with burst up to 2.58 Ghz.

Harga :

Rp 5,299,000

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Rp 5,299,000
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Rp 5,299,000
Lenovo Laptop 2in1 Yoga 300 [11.6"/N2840/4GB/Win 8.1] Hitam + Bag (ouside box)

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Lenovo Yoga 300 Hitam Notebook [11.6 Inch Touchscreen/Intel N3050/RAM 4GB/HDD 500GB/Wind 10] Extra diskon 7% setiap hari Extra diskon 5% setiap hari Citibank – lebih hemat 10%

Lenovo Yoga 300 Hitam Notebook [11.6 Inch Touchscreen/Intel N3050/RAM 4GB/HDD 500GB/Wind 10], hadir dengan layar 11.6 Inch HD LED Touch Screen yang dapat diputar hingga 360°. Notebook ini dilengkapi d... more

Rp 4,499,000
Lenovo Yoga 300-11IBY Notebook - White [N2840/4 GB/500 GB/11.6 Inch/Win 10]

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Rp 4,650,000

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